Let's recover the Paseo de Camoens. West Park #skatecamoens
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Help us save the Paseo de Camoens del Parque del Oeste , unity is strength.
From the Carving Social Club , we have started a campaign to fix the asphalt of Paseo de Camoens in Parque del Oeste in Madrid. It is a street that is closed to traffic on weekends, becoming a perfect spot for practicing the different types of skating (surfskate, longboard, carving, cruising, freeride, freestyle, dancing, downhill, slalom, roller…)
The problem is that the asphalt is in terrible condition, making it even dangerous to skate as there are many large cracks and holes. There are fewer and fewer users and it is a shame not to be able to take advantage of it to teach, start or practice this sport.
We need your help so that together we can send the appropriate message to the relevant authorities so that they fix that asphalt and once again have a meeting place and enjoy for skate lovers.
We have already done the following actions:
1) We have called 010, and we have notified it, they have given us the file number 1677635 . The more people we call and notify with that file number, the more attention they will pay us.
2) We have created the hashtag #skatecamoens to bombard the networks and get the message across. We have written to the Twitter of the President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, the President of the Community of Madrid, Igancio González, the Madrid City Council account and another account called Madrid Participates.
We have used this text, please copy and paste it on your twitter and social networks.
@marianorajoy : please fix the asphalt of Paseo de Camoens. We can't skate #skatecamoens #skatemadrid #expediente1677635
@igonzalezPP : please fix the asphalt of Paseo de Camoens. We can't skate #skatecamoens #skatemadrid #expediente1677635
@ madrid: please fix the asphalt of Paseo de Camoens. We can't skate #skatecamoens #skatemadrid #expediente1677635
@ madridparticipa please fix the asphalt of Paseo de Camoens We can't skate #skatecamoens #skatemadrid #expediente1677635
@ ppmoncloaravaca please fix the asphalt of Paseo de Camoens We can't skate #skatecamoens #skatemadrid # file1677635
3) We have written this text to Mayor Ana Botella in an email because she does not have twitter, please copy and paste it and send it to: mayor@madrid.es
Subject: Let's recover the Paseo de Camoens. West Park #skatecamoens
Text: “Dear Mayoress, the skaters of Madrid ask you to pave the Paseo de Camoens in Parque del Oeste again as soon as possible. The current asphalt is already in terrible conditions, making it even dangerous to skate there on weekends. There are fewer and fewer users and it is a shame not to be able to take advantage of it to teach, start or practice sports .“
4) We have put a claim on the Madrid City Council page, the more we put in, the more attention they will pay us, enter here
The procedure is very simple: mark "claim", copy and paste this text, leave your email address and select "no specific location", otherwise an error will appear.
March 12, 2015
Hola Danimazinger, lo hemos creado. Puedes verlo aquí: https://www.change.org/p/ana-botella-rogamos-arreglen-por-favor-el-asfalto-del-paseo-de-camoens-del-parque-de-oeste-de-madrid-no-podemos-patinar-es-peligroso
January 27, 2015
Y abrir causa en www.change.org? Yo sigo yendo alli a patinar a pesar del asfalto… Congrats por la iniciativa!!
Carving Social Club
January 27, 2015
Gracias por el dato Alberto. Hemos encontrado los siguientes números de teléfono:
Junta Municipal del Distrito de Moncloa – Aravaca
Grupos Políticos
Grupo Político PP: 915 886 901. Horarios de atención al público: de lunes a jueves de 9 a 17 horas
Grupo Político PSOE: 915 886 902. Horarios de atención al público: de lunes a jueves de 9 a 17 horas.
Grupo Político IU: 915 886 963. Horarios de atención al público: de lunes a jueves de 9 a 17 horas
Grupo Político UPYD: 915 886 107. Horarios de atención al público: de lunes a jueves de 9 a 17 horas.
Alberto FUnktastic Spaniard Man Anadon
January 27, 2015
Poneos en contacto con los grupos municipales Socialista, UPyD, PP e Izquierda Unida de la Junta Municipal de Moncloa que, es de quien depende el mantenimiento de dicho parque, para que lo lleven al proximo pleno. Por cierto, yo vivo al lado y es cierto que, cada vez está más deteriorado el asfalto de dicha zona.
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